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Showing posts from August, 2022

Unbalanced Supply to Balanced Loads

Let us consider the Star connected Balanced Loads, Z supplied by Unbalanced Phase Voltage Va,Vb,Vc. Current Magnitudes in Each phase Ia, Ib, Ic. Ia=Va/Z; Ib=Vb/Z; Ic=Vc/Z Equivalent Balanced Circuit will be drawn with Equivalent Voltage Ve, Equivalent Current Ie. Power is equal. VaIa+VbIb+VcIc=3VeIe Ie= sqrt[(Ia^2+Ib^2+Ic^2)/3]: Ve= sqrt[(Va^2+Vb^2+Vc^2)/3] Quadratic Mean. Same will be applied for Delta connected Loads.

Three Phase Balanced Supply to Unbalanced Load

Let us consider the Star connected Unbalanced Loads, Za, Zb, Zc supplied by Balanced Phase Voltage V. Current Magnitudes in Each phase Ia, Ib, Ic. Ia=V/Za; Ib=V/Zb; Ic=V/Zc Assume zero sequence current. Equivalent Balanced Circuit will be drawn with Equivalent Impedance Ze, Equivalent Current Ie. Power is equal. VIa+VIb+VIc=3VIe Ie= (Ia+Ib+Ic)/3: Arithmetic Mean. Ze= V/Ie= 3V/((V/Za)+(V/Zb)+(V/Zc)) Ze= Harmonic Mean of Impedance. Ze = 3ZaZbZc/(ZaZb+ZbZc+ZcZa) Same will be applied for Delta connected Loads.

Technical Publication Ebooks Free Download

CSE - Technical Publication eBooks (R17) 🧩 ~~~ The below mentioned books are only available to us through Mr. Sai Seena ( @SaiSeena ), if you have any other E-BOOKS for any department kindly share it to us. Thank You ~~~ 🧩  *CSE - SEMESTER I*   *GE8151 - Problem Solving and Python Programming*  *CSE - SEMESTER II*   *HS8251 - Technical English*  *BE8255 - Basic Electrical, Electronics and Measurement Engineering*  *GE8291 - Environmental Science and Engineering*  *CS8251 - Programming in C*  *CSE - SEMESTER III*   *CS8391 - Data Structures*  *CS8392 - Object Oriented Programming*  *EC8395 - Communication Engineering*  *CSE - SEM...