Interested researchers can apply:

Interested researchers can apply:

On behalf of the conference chairs and committees, we would like to invite you to give an invited talk for the EMN Meeting on Power Sources 2016 taking place in Bali, Indonesia, from August 2nd to 6th, 2016. You may find some renowned speakers have already joined us, for detailed information please visit:

The conference will aim to be a unique platform for leading scientists, researchers, scholars and engineers from academia, R&D laboratories and industry around the world and will continue to promote discussions and information exchange across the frontiers of research in the field of Power Sources.

Now we have set 9 workshops for the conference:

Lithium Batteries;
Supercapacitor devices;
Carbon Materials;
Storage Hybrid Power Systems;
Fuel Cells;
Aqueous Processing of Batteries;
Solar Cells;

We are sure that your contribution can add an important dimension to the topics of this conference and looking forward to your active support and participation.
If you could accept our invitation, please send me a tentative title of your invited presentation and which workshop is more appropriate for you. And you could also recommend a new workshop.

Bali is the famed Island of the Gods, with its deeply spiritual and unique culture, stakes a serious claim to be paradise on earth. We'll schedule One-Day Excursion on August 6th, to feel the charm of this fabulous island.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Looking forward to meet you in Bali.

Best regards,
Ms. Carrie Ge
Conference assistant of EMN Meeting on Power Sources
